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Incremental Loading

Efficient data management often requires loading only new or updated data from your SQL databases, rather than reprocessing the entire dataset. This is where incremental loading comes into play.

Incremental loading uses a cursor column (e.g., timestamp or auto-incrementing ID) to load only data newer than a specified initial value, enhancing efficiency by reducing processing time and resource use. Read here for more details on incremental loading with dlt.

How to configure

  1. Choose a Cursor Column: Identify a column in your SQL table that can serve as a reliable indicator of new or updated rows. Common choices include timestamp columns or auto-incrementing IDs.
  2. Set an Initial Value: Choose a starting value for the cursor to begin loading data. This could be a specific timestamp or ID from which you wish to start loading data.
  3. Deduplication: When using incremental loading, the system automatically handles the deduplication of rows based on the primary key (if available) or row hash for tables without a primary key.
  4. Set end_value for backfill: Set end_value if you want to backfill data from certain range.
  5. Order returned rows. Set row_order to asc or desc to order returned rows.


1. Incremental loading with the resource sql_table
Consider a table "family" with a timestamp column last_modified that indicates when a row was last modified. To ensure that only rows modified after midnight (00:00:00) on January 1, 2024, are loaded, you would set last_modified timestamp as the cursor as follows:

from sql_database import sql_table
from datetime import datetime

# Example: Incrementally loading a table based on a timestamp column
table = sql_table(
'last_modified', # Cursor column name
initial_value=pendulum.DateTime(2024, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) # Initial cursor value

info = pipeline.extract(table, write_disposition="merge")
Behind the scene, the loader generates a SQL query filtering rows with `last_modified` values greater than the incremental value. In the first run, this is the initial value (midnight (00:00:00) January 1, 2024). 
In subsequent runs, it is the latest value of `last_modified` that `dlt` stores in [state](

2. Incremental loading with the source sql_database
To achieve the same using the sql_database source, you would specify your cursor as follows:

source = sql_database().with_resources("family")
#using the "last_modified" field as an incremental field using initial value of midnight January 1, 2024"updated", initial_value=pendulum.DateTime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)))
#running the pipeline
info =, write_disposition="merge")


  • When using "merge" write disposition, the source table needs a primary key, which dlt automatically sets up.
  • apply_hints is a powerful method that enables schema modifications after resource creation, like adjusting write disposition and primary keys. You can choose from various tables and use apply_hints multiple times to create pipelines with merged, appended, or replaced resources. :::

Parallelized extraction

You can extract each table in a separate thread (no multiprocessing at this point). This will decrease loading time if your queries take time to execute or your network latency/speed is low. To enable this, declare your sources/resources as follows:

database = sql_database().parallelize()
table = sql_table().parallelize()

Column reflection

Column reflection is the automatic detection and retrieval of column metadata like column names, constraints, data types etc. Columns and their data types are reflected with SQLAlchemy. The SQL types are then mapped to dlt types. Depending on the selected backend, some of the types might require additional processing.

The reflection_level argument controls how much information is reflected:

  • reflection_level = "minimal": Only column names and nullability are detected. Data types are inferred from the data.
  • reflection_level = "full": Column names, nullability, and data types are detected. For decimal types we always add precision and scale. This is the default.
  • reflection_level = "full_with_precision": Column names, nullability, data types, and precision/scale are detected, also for types like text and binary. Integer sizes are set to bigint and to int for all other types.

If the SQL type is unknown or not supported by dlt, then, in the pyarrow backend, the column will be skipped, whereas in the other backends the type will be inferred directly from the data irrespective of the reflection_level specified. In the latter case, this often means that some types are coerced to strings and dataclass based values from sqlalchemy are inferred as json (JSON in most destinations).


If you use reflection level full / full_with_precision you may encounter a situation where the data returned by sqlalchemy or pyarrow backend does not match the reflected data types. Most common symptoms are:

  1. The destination complains that it cannot cast one type to another for a certain column. For example connector-x returns TIME in nanoseconds and BigQuery sees it as bigint and fails to load.
  2. You get SchemaCorruptedException or other coercion error during the normalize step. In that case you may try minimal reflection level where all data types are inferred from the returned data. From our experience this prevents most of the coercion problems.

You can also override the sql type by passing a type_adapter_callback function. This function takes a SQLAlchemy data type as input and returns a new type (or None to force the column to be inferred from the data) as output.

This is useful, for example, when:

  • You're loading a data type which is not supported by the destination (e.g. you need JSON type columns to be coerced to string)
  • You're using a sqlalchemy dialect which uses custom types that don't inherit from standard sqlalchemy types.
  • For certain types you prefer dlt to infer data type from the data and you return None

In the following example, when loading timestamps from Snowflake, you ensure that they get translated into standard sqlalchemy timestamp columns in the resultant schema:

import dlt
from snowflake.sqlalchemy import TIMESTAMP_NTZ
import sqlalchemy as sa

def type_adapter_callback(sql_type):
if isinstance(sql_type, TIMESTAMP_NTZ): # Snowflake does not inherit from sa.DateTime
return sa.DateTime(timezone=True)
return sql_type # Use default detection for other types

source = sql_database(


Configuring with toml/environment variables

You can set most of the arguments of sql_database() and sql_table() directly in the .toml files and/or as environment variables. dlt automatically injects these values into the pipeline script.

This is particularly useful with sql_table() because you can maintain a separate configuration for each table (below we show secrets.toml and config.toml, you are free to combine them into one):

The examples below show how you can set arguments in any of the .toml files (secrets.toml or config.toml):

  1. Specifying connection string:

  2. Setting parameters like backend, chunk_size, and incremental column for the table chat_message:



    This is especially useful with sql_table() in a situation where you may want to run this resource for multiple tables. Setting parameters like this would then give you a clean way of maintaing separate configurations for each table.

  3. Handling separate configurations for database and individual tables
    When using the sql_database() source, you can separately configure the parameters for the database and for the individual tables.



    The resulting source created below will extract data using pandas backend with chunk_size 1000. The table chat_message will load data incrementally using updated_at column. All the other tables will not use incremental loading, and will instead load the full data.

    database = sql_database()

You'll be able to configure all the arguments this way (except adapter callback function). Standard dlt rules apply.

It is also possible to set these arguments as environment variables using the proper naming convention:


This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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